Southern Nursery Association
1899 - 2020
SNA has a rich history spanning over 121 years. Here we capture and preserve the facts, the moments, and the people for future generations.
The SNA Legacy Fund
In an effort to preserve the 121-year legacy of the SNA, two existing Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) Funds (the SNA Fund and the SNA Golf Classic Fund) were combined (totaling approximately $300,000) and renamed the Southern Nursery Association Legacy Fund.
The Fund is managed by the Horticultural Research Institute (an AmericanHort foundation), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that believes in investing in plants, people, and the future.
Industry members are encouraged to continue to donate to this important fund that awards funding for horticultural research in the southeast region of the U.S. Your tax-deductible gift to HRI helps support research efforts that bring together research and business communities across the United States.
To donate to the SNA Legacy Fund, go to the HRI website Donate page and note the Fund Name.
To donate to the SNA Legacy Fund, go to the HRI website Donate page and note the Fund Name.
The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) proudly supports scientific research and students for the advancement of the horticultural industry. Horticultural Research Institute is the horticulture community's research and development organization and acts as a clearinghouse for industry research and statistics. They have provided more than $9.5 million in funds to research projects.
The SNA published the SNA Research Conference Proceedings that features more than 3,000 titles comprised of more than 12,500 pages. Hundreds of topics in thirteen categories were presented at the conference and the proceedings were published online (1990 - 2020), as an industry service. This exhaustive library was transferred to the HRI website (Research) for future reference.
The SNA published the Best Management Practices – Guide for Producing Nursery Crops, the undisputed benchmark for horticultural BMPs in the U.S. Version 3.0 was released in 2013 and is now available on the HRI website. This 176-page manual features two new sections – Constructing Wetlands: A How-To Guide for Nurseries, as well as Crop Insurance for Nurseries.